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Libra Social stands for Libral and Social Healthcare and Education |
Libra Social Research Foundation, is a Not-for-Profit org working at the convergence of Healthcare, Education and Technology.
The social work for larger public good started in 2007 but registered as Not-For-Profit organization in 2021.
Massive Transformational Purpose -- Health Equity at the Bottom of the
Pyramid through Opensource models on Elastic cloud.
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Digital Health and Healthcare Management Community:
LSRF understands that Healthcare needs a 360 Degree Transformation on an Exponential scale to realize the Sustainable Development Goal of Universal Healthcare by 2030. It harnesses proven capacities that span Research and Design Thinking, Technological Architecture Design, Nurturing Innovation Ecosystems and building Capacity at scale.
These transformations need to ride on existing publicly available infrastructure and be done in an innovative and evolving fashion, to prevent obsolescence and ensure efficient use of public resources for public good - while being inherently inclusive in nature to successfully transition ecosystems and ensure easy adoption in low resources geographies with varying technological maturity, such as they are, home to the majority of the population in the world.
This Opensource Healthcare Community is for people working in Healthcare Ecosystem across Health, Wellness, Pharma, Lifesciences, Health Insurance, Medical Devices, HealthTech, eHealth, mHealth, EHR, Hospital Info System (HIS), PRM, HC SMAC, AI, ML, HC IoT.
We are building a unified Global Digital Health Ecosystem. Digital Health is the shared knowledge across Healthcare, Technology and Management Sciences in the same brain. Digital health has been pretty much helping save the world from this Pandemic. We are also mindful that Health is not a fungible commodity and so the solutions that it requires need to be contextual and different too.
If Data is the new Oil; then what is Healthcare Data?